DRI Sleeper Eclipse ワイヤレスおねしょアラーム
DRI Sleeper Eclipse ワイヤレスおねしょアラーム
DRI Sleeper Eclipseは、子ども用のワイヤレスおねしょアラームです。
→ 取扱説明書はこちらからご覧いただけます
- 導電性プラスチックセンサーにより、さびの原因となる金属部品の露出がありません。
- 安全な電子機器によって、子どもの敏感な部分の皮膚に刺激を与える可能性のある電気分解とその結果生じる尿の酸性化を防ぎます。
- 水分を感知すると、センサーは1.4秒間の低周波を0.3秒間隔で2回送信します。こらは組織を加熱してダメージを与える高周波のラジオ波(マイクロ波)ではなく、しかも送信は非常に短く連続的ではないため、子どもにとって非常に安全です。
- このセンサーには、損傷したり脱落したりして子どもに不快感を与えがちなクリップや小型装置はありません。
EclipseはIEC 60601-1-1-6:2006 Ed 2.0 医用電気機器-Part 1-6:基礎安全および基本性能に関する一般要求事項-準拠規格:ユーザビリティに適合しています。
音量調節 | 可能 |
センサーのサイズ |
52mm x 25mm x 10mm |
センサーの重さ |
11g |
センサーの構成 |
導電性プラスチック |
送信 |
2回の安全な1.4秒間の低周波送信 |
送信範囲 |
12メートル |
センサー用電池 |
CR2025電池は防水ユニットに取り外しできない方法で封入されており、交換することはできません。この電池は、アラームの作動が一晩に2回の場合、最長で1年間使用できます。電池が消耗した場合は新しいセンサーを購入する必要がありますので、ご注意ください。 |
アラーム用電池 |
パナソニック製のCR2354(アラームをオンにしたときに電池残量警告音が鳴ったら交換できます。<link to sound> |
アラームのサイズ |
70mm x 40mm x 20mm |
アラームの音量と周波数 |
95~98デシベル:音量は電池ケース部のネジを回して調節できます。<link to sound) |
保証 |
1年間のメーカー保証 |
ユーザーマニュアル | DRI Sleeper Eclipse IFU v2 |
This product has meet our expectations, currently night training our daughter, and seeing results of being dry at night time.
My 6 year old had never had a dry night. She is a heavy sleeper and would sleep through even when she was wet.
We started with the bedwetting alarm about 5 weeks ago. The first 2 weeks the alarm would go off 2 times per night most nights, and she would not wake up at all. The alarm is pretty loud so I would hear it and wake her up every time. By the third week she was starting to wake up when the alarm would go off, and by the 4th week she had a dry night! She has just done 6 dry nights in a row now, and is even waking up during the night when she needs to go to the toilet.
The bedwetting alarm has been just what we needed! Highly recommend.
We have been using it for a few weeks and there is improvement. We have to get up when alarm goes off, as Mr 9 is too frightened by the noise to turn it off. But then we can gently take him to the toilet. It has only gone off a handful of times though - down from almost nightly accidents. Sometimes goes off when he puts in the undies at bedtime weirdly.
Recommend the product. Very easy to use. We use the double undie technique.
Thanks for your recommendation of the product. Did you try the priming technique? This may help get him used to the sound and respond on his own. Try getting him to wrap the sensor in a piece of toilet paper before inserting between the two pairs of underwear - this should prevent any accidental triggering. Also, get him to avoid placing his fingers on the black sensing strips side of the sensor when inserting.
It has worked well. We didn't practise much before using the alarm so it wasn't as efective as it could have been. My son is a heavy sleeper and initially slept through. A few times it woke me up so I woke him up. The alarm is extremely sensitive and we used it in a pad stuck to his underwear. This product has given him autonomy over his continence. It was a catalyst to helping him being aware of his bladder.
Thanks for your review. If you would like extra guidance on how to help your heavy sleeper get his bedwetting sorted, please email us at adviser@dri-sleeper.com and we will send you some suggestions.
We’ve been using the alarm for a few months now. It’s very effective and is definitely making a difference